Spot-bellied fruit pigeon

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Spot-bellied fruit pigeon
Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa.JPG

Speckled fruit pigeon ( Cryptophaps poecilorrhea )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Pigeon birds (Columbiformes)
Family : Pigeons (Columbidae)
Genre : Spot belly fruit pigeons
Type : Spot-bellied fruit pigeon
Scientific name of the  genus
Salvadori , 1893
Scientific name of the  species
Cryptophaps poecilorrhea
( Brüggemann , 1876)

The spotted fruit dove ( Cryptophas poecilorrhea ), also known as Rotsteiß fruit dove , is a species of pigeon birds. It is the only representative of its genus and is one of the little researched pigeons. It occurs only on a single Southeast Asian island. Their systematic position within the pigeon birds has not yet been adequately researched. It shows similarities to the cuckoo doves . However, this may be due to a convergent development. Some features of their physique also allow a relationship with the mountain pigeons .


The spot belly fruit pigeon reaches a body length of 47 centimeters. It is one of the big fruit pigeons . Their body size corresponds roughly to that of a wood pigeon . Compared to this species, however, its tail is longer and the wings are significantly shorter. There is no gender dimorphism.

The plumage of the head and neck gray. The front head is lightened to light gray. The lower breast is light gray. The upper chest and the coat are dark gray. The belly is brownish. The belly feathers are broadly lined with yellowish brown, so that a scale pattern emerges. The coat, the back as well as the upper tail-coverts and the wings are dark olive-green. The tail is dark and has a narrow light yellow to white-yellowish band at its end.

Spread and behavior

The distribution area of ​​the spotted fruit pigeon are the mountains of northern and southeastern Sulawesi . This Indonesian island lies between Borneo and New Guinea and has an area of ​​189,216 km².

The speckled fruit pigeon is a relatively rare species. It has only been observed individually so far. Usually she sits in the treetops. It is not very happy to be called and together with its inconspicuous plumage it is therefore difficult to find. So far only palm seeds have been recorded as food, so that this could be a food specialist. Nothing is known about the breeding biology of this species.


  • David Gibbs, Eustace Barnes and John Cox: Pigeons and Doves - A Guide to the Pigeons and Doves of the World . Pica Press, Sussex 2001, ISBN 90-74345-26-3 .
  • Gerhard Rösler: The wild pigeons of the earth - free living, keeping and breeding . M. & H. Schaper Verlag, Alfeld-Hannover 1996, ISBN 3-7944-0184-0 .

Web links

Commons : Spotted belly pigeon ( Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gibbs, p. 575
  2. ^ Gibbs, p. 576
  3. ^ Gibbs, p. 575
  4. Rösler, p. 310
  5. ^ Gibbs, p. 576