Flensburg Short Film Festival

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Logo of the Flensburg Short Film Festival
Entrance from the Deutsches Haus to the cinema 51 steps , the venue.

The Flensburg Short Film Festival is a film festival for short films in the Schleswig-Holstein city of Flensburg , which is organized every November by the Flensburger Kurzfilmtage eV association. Since the festival was founded in 2000, the venue has been the arthouse cinema 51 stairs in the historic cinema hall of the German House .

In 2015 around 2,400 guests, including 32 filmmakers present, attended the 15th Flensburg Short Film Festival, where 49 out of 800 films were on the program. At the 16th Flensburg Short Film Festival in 2016, when the Pilkentafel theater workshop was chosen for the first time , around 1,700 viewers and 35 filmmakers present watched a total of 119 films, excluding the children's programs.


Around 120 short films, each with a maximum length of 30 minutes, will be selected from the submissions for a multi-day program. The short film days established a presentation stage, especially for the next generation of film, which offers a multifaceted impression of the content and forms with which film artists, directors, media informatics students and people interested in film and computers deal. A jury and the audience present will decide during the course of the festival which films from the program deserve a special honor and which will be awarded prizes. Submissions from Germany, Austria and Switzerland are permitted for the main competition.

In addition, the association organizes a Danish competition with Danish short films , the audience award of which is donated by Sydslesvigsk Forening , as well as the program for animated films " tricky ", which showed a total of eight films in 2016 that were previously part of the international program of the 16th Odense International Film Festival (OFF16) , the most important and largest short film festival in Denmark . In addition, in cooperation with the Center for Low German in Leck and the Low German Stage Flensburg , the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences presented the Low German trailer competition in 2013 and 2016 , in which seven films are intended to "bring the liveliness of the Low German language closer in a humorous way ".

Children's program roll forward

The role forward is the children and youth program of the festival. It usually takes place as an offer for school classes at the end of May. In the summer of 2016, around 1000 visitors attended the school program “Roll Forward” in the cinema 51 steps . A “best of” with recommended favorite films of the visitors will be shown again to the family audience during the Flensburg Short Film Festival in autumn for children and young people. Since 2013, the knight Fleno , Flensburg's legendary knight from when the city was founded, has served as the mascot for the children's program at the Short Film Festival.


  • In 2006 the organizers were awarded the young talent award of the city of Flensburg.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carlo Jolly: Kurzfilmtage Flensburg: Small festival with a big heart. In: Flensburger Tageblatt . November 22, 2015, accessed November 22, 2016 .
  2. a b Holger Ohlsen: 16th Flensburg Short Film Festival: The main winner is the festival. In: Flensburger Tageblatt . November 21, 2016. Retrieved November 21, 2016 .
  3. Program overview short film days. In: http://www.flensburger-kurzfilmtage.de . Projektbüro Flensburger Kurzfilmtage, 2016, accessed on November 22, 2016 .
  4. “Roll Forward” in the 51-step cinema. In: Flensburg Journal . March 27, 2013, accessed November 21, 2016 .