Forel glacier

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Forel glacier
location Grahamland , Antarctic Peninsula
length 6.5 km
width Max. 2.5 km
Coordinates 67 ° 27 '46 "  S , 66 ° 28' 35"  W Coordinates: 67 ° 27 '46 "  S , 66 ° 28' 35"  W
Forel Glacier (Antarctic Peninsula)
Forel glacier
drainage Blind Bay

The Forel Glacier is a glacier in the west of Graham Land on the Antarctic Peninsula . On the Fallières coast, it flows in a south-westerly direction into Blind Bay .

A first rough survey was carried out in 1936 by participants in the British Graham Land Expedition (1934–1937) under the direction of the Australian polar explorer John Rymill . Another survey of the lower section of the glacier was undertaken in 1949 by the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey . The glacier is named after the Swiss naturalist François-Alphonse Forel (1841–1912), first president of the Commission Internationale des Glaciers , from which the International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS) of the International Union for Geodesy and Geophysics later emerged.

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