Research network women and right-wing extremism

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The German anti-fascist research network Women and Right-Wing Extremism was founded by young female scientists in Rostock in 2000 . It is made up of sociologists, political scientists, educationalists, historians and journalists whose research areas are gender-specific aspects of right-wing extremism . The network does educational work and publishes its results.


  • Exchange of current knowledge (research, evaluations, research) on activities, publications and statements by women in the spectrum of the extreme right
  • Discussion and assessment of current gender-related phenomena and processes in the right-wing extremist scene in the context of general social and historical discourses and developments
  • Mediation, exchange and transfer of knowledge into the social debate, e.g. B. in the form of training courses, workshops, lectures and discussion events as well as in the form of publications
  • Cooperation with other associations / organizations in the field of political education
  • Provision of relevant expertise for journalistic, scientific and civil society needs

Even if the political practice of women in the extreme right and their constructions of femininity are at the center of the analyzes, the network members also deal with gender relations and concepts of masculinity in the extreme right.

Educational work

The members offer educational events such as lectures, workshops and seminars. The topics include: “Gender relations in the extreme right”, “Right-wing extremist orientations among girls and young women”, “Entry and exit processes of extreme right-wing women and girls” and “Concepts of masculinity in the extreme right”.

Publications (selection)

Members of the research network were a. involved in the following publications:

  • Renate Bitzan (Ed.): Right women. Skingirls, Valkyries and fine ladies. Espresso Verlag, Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-8225-0339-8 .
  • Self-images of right women. Between anti-sexism and ethnic thinking. Edition Diskord, Tübingen 2000.
  • The participation of welfare workers in the education and implementation of the category “inferior” under National Socialism. Mabuse Verlag, Kassel 2003.
  • Life stories of right-wing extremist girls and young women - Biographical courses in the context of family and group dynamics. Psychosozial-Verlag , Giessen 2004
  • From "NS Frauen-Warte" to "Victory". Constructions of femininity in National Socialist and right-wing extremist women's magazines. Logos Verlag, Berlin 2004.
  • Brown sisters? Feminist Analysis of Women on the Far Right. Unrast Verlag , Münster 2005.
  • 88 questions and answers about the NPD: worldview, strategy and appearance of a right-wing party - and what democrats can do about it. Wochenschau Verlag , Schwalbach 2008.
  • Handout on the topic of "Girls and Women in the Extreme Right" for multipliers to introduce the topic of women and right-wing extremism, on behalf of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation , Berlin 2008/2009.
  • Robert Claus, Esther Lehner, Yves Müller (eds.): "What a right man is ...". Masculinity and right-wing extremism. Karl Dietz Verlag Berlin , 2010.

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