Frank Silva

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Frank Silva (born October 31, 1949 in Sacramento , California , † September 13, 1995 in Seattle , Washington ) was an American prop master and actor who became famous for the series Twin Peaks .


Frank Silva's major at San Francisco State University was theater. He passed his final exam in "Light Design" with distinction.

Silva has worked in several films with David Lynch ( Dune , Blue Velvet , Wild at Heart ) as a prop master and decorator. He suddenly gained fame during the shooting of the pilot film for the US series Twin Peaks . When the final sequence of the episode was filmed, Silva was accidentally in the picture. His face could be seen in a mirror behind Laura Palmer's mother Sarah. On the spur of the moment, Lynch decided to cast his prop master as BOB , the series' main villain.

Frank Silva died on September 13, 1995 in Seattle (USA) of a heart attack as a result of his AIDS disease.


As an actor

As a prop master and decorator (selection)

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