Franz Polak

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Commemoration of sacrifices with Pastor Franz Polak at the Bölten home meeting in 1988 in Höchst in the Odenwald

Franz Polak (born May 12, 1909 in Brüsau ; † October 20, 2000 in Höchst in the Odenwald ) was a German Roman Catholic pastor and honorary citizen of Bölten (now: Bělotín) and Höchst in the Odenwald.


Franz Polak studied theology in Olomouc and was ordained a priest in 1933. After working as a chaplain and administrator in Bölten, he was appointed pastor in 1936. In 1946 he was expelled as a Sudeten German with members of his Bölten parish into the American zone of occupation in Germany. He ended up in the Sandbach reception camp in the Odenwald and via nearby Neustadt to Höchst in the Odenwald. There he was commissioned to set up a new parish in the diaspora.

In the Odenwald, Pastor Polak organized home meetings from 1946 , for spatial reasons until 1951 in the district town of Erbach, subsequently in Höchst in the Odenwald. This community took over the sponsorship for Bölten as early as 1953, later also for the seven other communities in the parish with a total of 3,649 inhabitants on May 17, 1939.

Under Polak until 1964 in Höchst im Odenwald u. a. the Christ the King's Church and a rectory were built.

Festive service with Pastor Franz Polak in the Christkönigskirche on the occasion of the 50th Bölten home meeting in 1996 in the sponsoring community Höchst in the Odenwald

Polak promoted the integration of the expellees , the interdenominational agreement in the Odenwald district, the renovation of the home church of St. George and the initiation of a partnership with the newly settled Czech community of Bělotín.


Franz Polak was an honorary citizen of the German community of Bölten / East Sudetenland until the end of the Second World War and, after the expulsion from the re-established CSR, an honorary citizen of the sponsoring community of the Bölten people, Höchst in the Odenwald . He also received the letter of honor from the State of Hesse . Bishop Karl Lehmann appointed Pastor Polak as a clerical council in 1986 , "as a token of my gratitude and appreciation for your priestly work, especially in the development of the parish in Höchst and the faithful care of your expelled Bölten compatriots". In Höchst in the Odenwald, the parish hall of Christ-König is named after him.


  • Festschrift for the 200th anniversary of the parish church in Bölten (East Sudetenland); Ed .: Franz Polak and Walter Fr. Schleser; Maximum 1957, . With illustrated articles about Bölten, Pohl, Neudek, Lutschitz, Kunzendorf, Hermitz, Litschel and the Kuhländchen.
  • Municipality of Höchst i. Odw. (Ed.): Destiny of the expulsion. Commemorative book for the sponsorship of the municipality of Höchst i. With the communities of the parish of Bölten / Ostsudeten: Bölten, Daub, Hermitz, Kunzendorf, Litschel, Lutschitz, Neudek and Pohl , 290 pages, first printing Erich Stockert, Bad König 1987, 2nd edition 1988, ISBN 3-924388 -03-2 .
  • “Spiritual advice, pastor i. R. Franz Polak passed away. The municipality of Höchst in the Odenwald mourns its honorary citizen. ” In: Mümling-Bote , October 27, 2000, ZDB -ID 966820-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. / Parish of Christ-König