Franz Rheinberger

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Franz Rheinberger , called Bubbes (born February 22, 1927 , † November 10, 1944 in Cologne-Ehrenfeld ) was a young German resistance fighter against National Socialism and a victim of fascism .


Rheinberger came from a poor family. He does not belong to any political group. At the age of 17 he had lost his job in April 1944 because of "strolling around at work", but had accepted an illegal substitute job on a construction site. Here he met Hans Steinbrück , a prisoner who had fled the Cologne-Messe subcamp. Around 100 gathered around him, including numerous young people who were united as anti-fascists , forced laborers who had fled , Jews in hiding and deserters with the intention of escaping the war or shortening the duration of the war by using force against militarily important institutions. He joined them. When Rheinberger, along with Barthel Schink and Adolf Schütz, had obtained weapons for the Ehrenfeld group , all three were arrested by the criminal police on October 4, 1944 .

In June 1944, Rheinberger met another young man at the Körnerstrasse bunker who was gathering a group of edelweiss pirates : Bartholomäus Schink . He introduced him to the group that gathered in the inner green belt at Ehrenfeld Loch . Participation in the group around Hans Steinbrück seemed more important to them after a while, so that they no longer got into the "hole".

After their arrest in October 1944, 13 members of the Ehrenfeld group were hanged in public on November 10, 1944 in Hüttenstrasse without a court judgment . Franz Rheinberger was one of them.


  • The edelweiss pirates - rebellious youngsters or resistance fighters? The "wild youth group" between youthful arrogance and conscious political actions against the National Socialist regime , housework, 2006
  • Carla Steck (Ville-Gymnasium): Edelweiss pirates - resistance fighters or criminals?
  • Winfried Seibert: The Cologne Controversy. Legend and facts about the Nazi crimes in Cologne-Ehrenfeld . Klartext, Essen 2014, ISBN 978-3-8375-1235-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. Retrieved August 15, 2011
  2. Retrieved August 15, 2011
  3. Archive link ( Memento of the original from January 25, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved August 15, 2011  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Retrieved August 15, 2011
  5.  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved August 15, 2011@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  6. The Steinbrück Group on the pages of the Cologne Museums. Retrieved August 15, 2011
  7. Retrieved August 15, 2011
  8. Retrieved August 15, 2011