Franciscan monastery Tilsit

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The Franciscan monastery was a settlement of Franciscan Observants in Tilsit in the Order of Prussia from 1515/16 to 1524.


The monastery was located in the medieval city by the city wall at what later became Deutsche Strasse 20 and 21, today uliza Gagarina. Cellar vaults were preserved from the buildings until 1945.


In 1515 the construction of a monastery in Tilsit began. It was the second of the Franciscan Observants in the Order of Prussia (after Wehlau ) and the penultimate ever before the Reformation (after that only Königsberg ). The building was finished and inaugurated in 1516. Grand Master Albrecht had fully financed the construction of the church, a quarter of the remaining total costs.

It only existed for a short time, and treasures were confiscated as early as 1523. On April 2, 1524, the monastery was stormed, the monks expelled and the property confiscated or looted.

In 1553, citizens were registered as owners of the land. In 1807, Tsar Alexander I lived in what would later be the house at Deutsche Strasse 21 during the negotiations for the Tilsit Peace Treaty.


  • Leonhard Lemmens : - Document book of the old Saxon Franciscan provinces. The observant custody of Livonia and Prussia , Düsseldorf 1911
  • H. Kebesch: The Christianization of East Prussia and the Franciscan Monastery at Tilsit. In: Tilsiter Rundbrief . No. 27. Kiel 1997/98. Pp. 21-23. (pdf)

Individual evidence

  1. Erich Joachim , Walther Hubatsch (ed.): Regesta historico-diplomatica Ordinis S. Mariae Theutonicorum 1198–1525. Volume 1. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1973. p. 391 No. 26285
  2. ^ TZ: Deutsche Straße 21. In: Tilsiter Rundbrief . No. 37. Kiel 2007/2008. P. 21