Advice to women

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A woman Consulting is an independent, gender embodied relationship and intervention strategy , geared to the skills and resources of help-seeking women on an extension of their capacity building aims. Counseling takes place taking into account the social fields and systems of those seeking advice. An individual solution should be found for every woman. Consulting is goal-oriented and relates to self-management as well as to institutional management.

target group


  • who live in a violent situation and are looking for change
  • who have experienced a police operation due to domestic violence
  • who would like to take advantage of women-specific advice in a life crisis
  • who are stuck in psychological stressful situations such as separation, divorce and relationship difficulties
  • who are placed in a women's refuge
  • who need follow-up advice after a stay in a women's shelter

Initial consultation

In an initial consultation, joint planning is drawn up. The aim is to develop the ideal framework, methods, support content and the consulting concept in order to achieve the set goal. It is also important to inform the women about the possibilities available to them, offers and the legal situation. It must be clarified whether other institutions may need to be added, such as a women's refuge, a lawyer, an addiction counseling center or the youth welfare office .

Consulting content and implementation

  • Providing information

Education about their rights, livelihood security , living space, SGB II SGB IIX, job placement. Information about the Protection against Violence Act (ban on contact, allocation of apartments, ban on approach) ...

  • Telephone and email advice
  • Short-term individual advice

Women who need clarification on a limited problem area, e.g. B. regarding separation or display.

  • Crisis intervention

Advice in acute emergency situations takes place as soon as possible after a woman concerned requests.

  • Psychosocial counseling

Advice on complex problems, such as B. Domestic violence related to eviction, separation and divorce, criminal proceedings and parental custody

  • Therapeutic offers

Resource-oriented, concrete, active and relatively short consulting work. The aim here is to regain control over one's own life and improve flexibility, as well as creativity in looking for solutions to problems.

  • Social counseling

Support with official matters, finding accommodation, securing financial claims, clarifying separation maintenance and maintenance payments

  • Group offers

Guided groups on various women-specific issues such as separation, divorce and self-empowerment

  • Follow-up advice

For women who have stayed in a women's shelter and would like further advice

Many counseling centers also direct their offers to relatives and friends or other affected persons from the social environment of women affected by violence.

Web links