Jacob Breuer

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Breuer questions the witness Mordechai Eliezer Greenspan or Grynszpan, brother of Herschel Grynszpan (1961)

Jacob Breuer ( Yaakov Baror , Hebrew יעקב בר-אור, born December 4, 1915 or December 4, 1916 in Frankfurt am Main ; died 2008 in Jerusalem ) was a German-Israeli lawyer.


Jacob Breuer was the eldest son of the lawyer and philosopher Isaac Breuer and Jenny Eise [n] mann, the historian Mordechai Breuer was a brother, Ursula Merkin was one of his sisters. After the handover of power to the National Socialists , the Breuer family had to leave Germany and emigrated to Palestine in 1936 . Yaakov Baror became a lawyer there and was accepted into the judiciary after the establishment of the State of Israel. He became a district attorney in Tel Aviv . In 1961 he was appointed as assistant to the attorney general Gideon Hausner , who represented the prosecution in the Eichmann trial, alongside Gabriel Bach . As he later described in an interview, Breuer had to deal with what actually happened in the Holocaust for the first time in preparation for the trial, like the other prosecutors.

Baror later worked as a legal advisor to the Israeli Maritime Bank and the Israeli representation to the General Assembly of the United Nations .

In 1988, after forty years, Jacob Baror and Mordechai Breuer published his father's autobiography under the title Mein Weg in Jerusalem und Zürich from the estate of their father .


  • Ruth Bettina Birn : A German Public Prosecutor in Jerusalem. In: Werner Renz (editor): Interests around Eichmann. Israeli justice, German law enforcement and old comradeships. Campus publishing house, Frankfurt a. M. 2012, ISBN 978-3-593-39750-4 , pp. 93-117

Web links

Commons : Jacob Breuer  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c The life dates are given differently. Here after article Breuer, Isaac. In: Lexicon of German-Jewish Authors . Volume 4: Brech-Carle. Edited by the Bibliographia Judaica archive. Saur, Munich 1996, ISBN 3-598-22684-5 , pp. 27-37.
  2. Ursula Merkin , obituary in The New York Times , July 25, 2006
  3. ^ Lawrence Douglas : Trial as a documentary: Images of Eichmann. In: Leslie J. Moran: Law's moving image . London: Cavendish Pub., 2004
  4. Breuer, Isaak. In: Werner Röder, Herbert A. Strauss (ed.): Biographical manual of German-speaking emigration after 1933. Vol. 1: Politics, economics, public life . Munich: Saur 1980, p. 93 f.