Freddy Perez

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Freddy Pérez (* 1988 in Mérida ; † October 11, 2010 in Caracas ) was a Venezuelan apnea diver .

Pérez studied public accounting at the Universidad de Oriente Venezuela.

As El Gocho he became known as a freediver . In 2009 he won the gold medal in Argentina in the first championship of the International Association for the Promotion of APNEA Scuba Diving (AIDA) with a 135 meter deep dive.

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Individual evidence

  1. Fallece destacado apneista venezolano Freddy Pérez "El Gocho"., October 12, 2010, accessed October 15, 2010 .
  2. Apneísta Freddy Perez ganó medalla de oro en Campeonato Aída de Argentina., accessed October 15, 2010 .