Free teachers' union in Germany

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The Free Teachers' Union of Germany ( FLGD ) emerged in the autumn of 1920 from the Association of Socialist Teachers (VsL), which had emerged in the revolution of 1918/19 and the "realization of socialism in the field of the entire education system in close connection with the Struggle of the class-conscious proletariat ”. With fewer than 2,000 members, the FLGD did not even represent one percent of all teachers. In addition, the Union of German People's Teachers (GDV) was formed in 1921 from four smaller elementary school teacher organizations . Originally, it wanted to represent the economic and legal interests of its members only while strictly adhering to party political and religious neutrality, and in this way to overcome the fragmentation of the teachers' associations. For organizational reasons, the FLGD merged with the larger GDV in early 1923. Thereupon a political war of direction broke out within the GDV, in which the free trade union direction finally prevailed at the price of numerous resignations or exclusions of “right” and “left” members. From 1929 until its self-dissolution in the spring of 1933, the organization called itself General Free Teachers' Union of Germany (AFLD).

AFLD was a member of the International Teachers' Professional Secretariat (IBSL) . After the self-dissolution of the AFLD, its seat there was taken over by the Association of German Teacher Emigrants , which was mainly founded by former AFLD members who had to emigrate from Germany.


  • Hildegard Feidel-Mertz / Hermann Schnorbach : teachers in emigration. The Association of German Teacher Emigrants (1933–39) in the traditional context of the democratic teachers' movement , Beltz Verlag, Weinheim and Basel, 1981, ISBN 3-407-54114-7 . The book an extensive presentation of the GDV / AFLD history as a prehistory to the Association of German Teacher Emigrants .
  • Wolfgang Stöhr: teachers and labor movement. On the organizational history of the trade union teachers' movement 1918–1933 , in: Das Argument 80 (1973), pp. 170–207.
  • Wolfgang Stöhr: Teachers and Labor Movement. Formation and politics of the first trade union organization of teachers in Germany 1920 to 1923 , 2 volumes, Marburg 1978.