Free Catalan Territory

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Municipalities (blue) and comarcas (light blue) that have declared themselves "free Catalan territory" (as of October 2012)
The Estelada , flag of the supporters of the independence of Catalonia

As a free catalan territory (in Catalan Territori Català Lliure ) to those municipalities and regions denote Catalonia who consider the Spanish legislation as "provisional" until a Catalan Government and the Catalan Parliament on the achieved independence from the Spanish state its own legislation will set up.

The designation "Free Catalan Territory" was chosen by the councilors of the small town of Sant Pere de Torelló , making this municipality on September 3, 2012 the first to give itself this status. At least in some municipalities, the declarations were accompanied by tax or administrative changes.

The declarations had only symbolic meaning and no legal force.

Between September 2012 and mid-2013, around 190 parishes joined this movement; it was to be seen in connection with the independence efforts in Catalonia, which had received strong impetus since the rejection of the Statute of Autonomy by the Spanish Constitutional Court in 2010 and which were also at the center of the election campaign for the regional parliament in 2012.

Some of these declarations have been legally annulled.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. El municipio de Sant Pere de Torelló se declara "territorio catalán libre"., September 3, 2012, accessed November 15, 2012 (Spanish).
  2. ^ Eva Clota: Sant Pere de Torelló se declara "territorio catalán libre". El País , September 4, 2012, accessed November 15, 2012 (Spanish).
  3. Sant Pere de Torelló it declares "territori català lliure" i insta el parliament a assumir la sobirania nacional. elPerió, accessed September 13, 2012 (Catalan).
  4. Julia Mauer: Spain: Catalonia wants to vote on its independence. In: February 27, 2014, accessed October 11, 2017 .
  5. Primera sentència contra un municipi declarat 'territori català lliure i sobirà'. In: El Gerió. October 16, 2015, accessed October 11, 2017 (Catalan).
  6. Una sentència anul·la la declaració de Celrà com a "territori català lliure i sobirà". In: October 16, 2015, accessed October 11, 2017 (Catalan).