Foreign ethnic sayings

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According to Friedrich Fechter,foreign peoples' sayings ” in the Old Testament are understood in biblical research as those larger text complexes or collections that thematize the behavior of non- Israelite peoples. It primarily announces disaster , but also salvation . It is not possible to speak of a separate genre of foreign races, as these are texts with completely different structures.

In the history of research, these texts were also referred to as (foreign) peoples' oracles , (foreign) peoples prophecies, pagan oracles or threatening words . The term “foreigner sayings” also includes benevolent statements and less implies other ideas (for example, the term oracle is nowadays more and more associated with a questioning practice).


Among the great scriptural prophets , foreign races can be found in Isa 13-23  EU , Jer 46-51  EU , Ez 25-32  EU and Am 1,3-2,3  EU . In Isaiah , Jeremiah and Ezekiel , these account for around 20% of the total text. In the Dodekapropheton mainly JoelEU , Mi 4-5  EU ; 7 EU , ZefEU , HagEU , SachEU ; 9 EU ; 11-12 EU ; 14 EU and MalEU contain some names of foreign peoples. Obadja and Nahum refer exclusively to one nation, otherwise in the books of the prophets there is often only vague reference to “the peoples”. The subject of the speeches to foreign peoples can be found in all so-called scriptural prophets.


  • Peter Höffken : Investigations into the founding elements of the people's oracles of the Old Testament. Theol. Diss. Bonn, 1977.
  • Yair Hoffmann : From Oracle to Prophecy: The Growth, Crystallization and Desintegration of a Biblical Genre. In: JNWSL 10, 1980, pp. 75-81.
  • Friedrich Schwally : The speeches of the book Jeremiah against the Gentiles. XXV.XL.VI-LI. In: ZAW. 8, 1888, pp. 177-217
  • Volkmar Premstaller : Foreign ethnic sayings of the Ezekiel book. Echter Verlag, Würzburg 2005, ISBN 3-429-02687-3

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Fechter : Friedrich, coping with the catastrophe. Investigations on selected foreign races in the book of Ezekiel. Berlin-New York 1992, p. 2
  2. a b Beat Huwyler : Jeremiah and the peoples. Investigations into the sayings of nations in Jeremiah 46-49. Tübingen 1977, p. 1
  3. Charis Fischer : The foreign people sayings in Amos and Isaiah . Studies on individuality and intention. Berlin-Vienna 2002, p. 11