Justice of the Peace

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A justice of the peace (Engl. Justice of the peace ) is a person honorary administration of justice in the form of a lay judge in a Magistrates' Court . They are mainly to be found in the Anglo-American legal community , for example at the English Magistrates' Court .

A justice of the peace is usually appointed by a local election or selected by a commission in order to maintain social peace in disputes in the area of ​​lower jurisdiction, i.e. H. in civil matters with a low value in dispute, minor criminal matters and administrative offenses. In certain US states , the justice of the peace also conducts marriages in his capacity as registrar . These can also take place outside the registry office (in the New York City Clerk ) at any “moral place” that meets the ethical requirements. The marriage certificate ( Full Marriage Certificate ) is not issued in Australia by the justice of the peace, but only from the registry office of any State.

In Germany, the work of laypeople is known as justice of the peace in the municipal arbitration system of the Free State of Saxony .

Web links

Wiktionary: Justice of the Peace  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
  • Codes of Practice Code of Conduct for New Zealand Justice of the Peace. Royal Federation of New Zealand Justices' Associations, accessed February 15, 2020

Individual evidence

  1. The civil self-government in: Max von Boehn : England in the 18th century , 1922. Lexikus.de, accessed on February 14, 2020
  2. Germans get married in the Massachusetts Federal Administration Office , as of December 2017
  3. Marriage in California (Los Angeles) Website of the German representations in the USA, accessed on February 15, 2020
  4. USA: Racism. Judge refuses mixed marriage Süddeutsche Zeitung , May 17, 2010 (for Louisiana)
  5. Sascha Reinking: Getting married in New York: Procedure from the registry office to official visits to the apostille, accessed on February 15, 2020
  6. Marry USA technical terms. Retrieved February 15, 2020.
  7. Marriage in Australia / Marriage in Australia Website of the Australian Embassy for Germany, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, accessed on February 15, 2020 (German / English)
  8. ^ Text of the Saxon Arbitration and Quality Assurance Act
  9. Guide for Justices of the Peace on the Law on Arbitration in the Municipalities of the Free State of Saxony (Saxon Arbitration Act - SächsSchiedsStG) of May 27, 1999, Association of German Arbitrators , accessed on February 14, 2020