Friedrich August Leberecht Jakob

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Friedrich August Leberecht Jakob (born June 25, 1803 in Kroitsch ; † May 20, 1884 in Liegnitz ) was a German composer, organist, cantor and musicologist.


Jakob was a Protestant cantor in Konradsdorf near Haynau ( Silesia ) from 1824 to 1878 . He published several collections of songs and music educational works and was co-editor of the music magazine Euterpe with Ludwig Erk for a long time .


  • Comprehensive instructions for singing lessons in elementary schools: According to natural principles and singing according to notes and numbers, edited by Friedrich August Leberecht Jakob. Grüson, Breslau 1828 ( digitized version http: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3DTU5DAAAAcAAJ~IA%3D~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3D~ double-sided%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D).
  • Germany's playing youth: a collection of popular youth, gymnastics, folk and board games, along with instructions for organizing competitions, as well as puzzles of various kinds, tricks, counting and counting rhymes and pledges: for teachers, parents and friends of happy youth and themselves
  • General 4-part church and house chorale book for the Royal Prussian-Silesian Lands
  • German folk and gymnastics games (168) for young and old: a handbook for parents, teachers, educators, friends of children and young people and an addition to every gymnastics guide; with a sheet music supplement
  • Reformatory chorale book for church, school and house or general chorale book for the German Protestant Church: contribution to the regeneration of Protestant church chant based on source research (1st part: digitized ; 2nd part: digitalized )
  • The folk singer. A collection of genuine German folk tunes with old and new texts: the singing youth in all German districts, especially the elementary schools
  • Song grove. Collection of genuine German folk tunes with old and new texts; for toddlers and (lower grades in) elementary schools. 1. Containing 42 one- and two-part songs. 2nd Edition. Bädeker, Essen 1847.
  • Messages from the life of Ernst Hentschel, K. music director and first seminar teacher in Weißenfels: biographical, educational and musical aphorisms from his correspondence with a childhood friend. C. Merseburger, Leipzig 1882.


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