Friedrich Christoph Philipp von Rotenhan

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Friedrich Christoph Philipp von Rotenhan , zu Merzbach (* 1749 ; † 1798 ) from the Rotenhan family was a civil servant in the Bamberg Monastery .


Von Rotenhan was the youngest son of the Bamberg governor Joachim Ignatz von Rotenhan , zu Merzbach (1662–1736). On April 23, 1772 he was appointed senior bailiff in the office of Zeil . The office had previously been held by his father and older brother Johann Karl Alexander von Rottenhan , zu Merzbach (1710–1777). On June 30, 1790, he moved to the Marloffstein office as senior bailiff . From May 17, 1785 he was traveling marshal and from 1797 head stable master at the episcopal court.
