Friedrich Soetbeer

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Friedrich Soetbeer.jpg

Ernst Friedrich Karl Soetbeer (born April 29, 1865 in Pölitz ; † May 6, 1922 ) was a German politician .

After attending grammar school in Göttingen, Soetbeer studied law. In 1891 he was appointed court assessor and in 1893 he became magistrate assessor in Frankfurt a. M., 1895 City Councilor in Kiel and 1902 Lord Mayor of Glogau . From 1902 to 1918 Soetbeer was a member of the Prussian manor house . Under his leadership, Glogau was de-fortified and the demolition of the city wall began on November 17, 1902.

Soetbeer was with Ida, geb. Diederichsen, married.


  • Karl Flesch , Friedrich Soetbeer: Social design of poor relief . In: Writings of the German Association for Poor Care and Charity . Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1901


  • Franz Neubert: German Contemporary Lexicon. Biographical manual of contemporary German men and women. Schulze, Leipzig 1905, sv Soetbeer, Friedrich