Friedrich Tomi

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Friedrich Tomi (born April 30, 1943 in Mährisch-Ostrau ) is a German mathematician. He is a professor at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and deals with the calculus of variations and minimal areas .


Tomi studied mathematics at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich with a diploma in 1967 and received his doctorate in 1969 under Erhard Heinz at the University of Göttingen (on semilinear elliptic differential equations of the second order). In 1972 he completed his habilitation in Göttingen and was then scientific advisor and professor at the University of Münster . In 1974 he became a full professor in Saarbrücken and in 1983 in Heidelberg. From 1989 to 1992 he was dean of the mathematics faculty there. In 1974 he was visiting professor at the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis. He has been married since 1967 and has three children.


  • with Anthony Tromba : The index theorem for minimal surfaces of higher genus, Memoirs AMS, 1995
  • with Tromba: Existence theorems for minimal surfaces of non-zero genus spanning a contour, Memoirs AMS 1988
  • On the local uniqueness of the problem of least area, Archive Council. Mech. Analysis, Volume 53, 1973, pp. 312-318
  • with Tromba: Extreme curves bound embedded minimal surfaces of the type of the disk, Mathem. Z., Vol. 159, 1978, pp. 137-142


  • Dagmar Drüll (Ed.), Heidelberger Gelehrtenlexikon, Springer 2009

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Friedrich Tomi in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used