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Under Spirantisierung (also Frikativierung) is understood in the phonetics the transition from one sound, usually by a plosive , a narrow sound (fricative or spirant) . The term includes both the outcome of the process and the process itself. The change from voiced plosives [bdg] to the corresponding fricatives [β ð ɣ] is particularly common .


  • germ. p , t , kahd. ff , zz , hh : old Saxon. opane vs. ahd. offan
  • lat. [b] → ital. [v] : CANTA B ATcanta v a , he sang '
  • lat. [b] → span. [β] : CA B ALLU (M)ca b allo , horse '
  • Alt GR. [g] → neugr. [ɣ] : γ άμμα → γ άμμα, gamma '
  • altostslaw. [g] → Belarus. [ɣ] : голова golova → галава halava , head '

See also
