Fritz Augstburger

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Fritz Augstburger (* 1930 in Laupen ; † July 2, 2005 in Bern ) was a Swiss politician ( Young Bern ).

Augstburger comes from a host family and was an advocate . From 1973 until he was voted out of office in 1980, he was a councilor for the city of Bern ; he headed the police department.

Individual evidence

  1. a b dossier in the Swiss Economic Archives
  2. a b c Far from politics: Bernese old councilor Fritz Augstburger is dead. In: Der Bund . July 9, 2005, p. 25.
  3. a b Simon Schweizer: AJZ subito? - Youth and Politics. An interaction using the example of the Bern riding school. Licensed thesis, University of Bern, Bern 2004, p. 91 ( PDF; 2.3 MB ).