Frobisher Lake

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Frobisher Lake
Geographical location Saskatchewan (Canada)
Tributaries Sipwejimu River
Drain Simonds Channel
Islands Pinaskau Island, Wapiskaw Island, Cateran Island, Popplewell Island, Efraimson Island, Wipiskaw Island, Kelly Island, Crump Island, Finlayson Island, Raphael Island
Location close to the shore Turnor Lake
Coordinates 56 ° 20 ′  N , 108 ° 15 ′  W Coordinates: 56 ° 20 ′  N , 108 ° 15 ′  W
Frobisher Lake, Saskatchewan
Frobisher Lake
Altitude above sea level 421  m
surface 397 km²

Frobisher Lake is a lake in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan . The water area is 397 km², the total area including islands is 516 km². The lake is about 15 km north of Churchill Lake , into which it flows over the Simonds Channel . The lake has few open water areas. It largely consists of a network of canals and bays, which are divided by islands and peninsulas.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Natural Resources Canada - The Atlas of Canada - Lakes ( Memento from October 6, 2012 in the Internet Archive )