Fruit juice and soft drinks regulation

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Basic data
Title: Regulation on fruit juice, some similar products, fruit nectars and caffeinated soft drinks
Short title: Fruit juice and soft drinks regulation
Previous title: Ordinance on fruit juice, some similar products and fruit nectar (fruit juice ordinance)
Abbreviation: FrSaftErfrischGetrV
Type: Federal Ordinance
Scope: Federal Republic of Germany
Issued on the basis of: § 12 Paragraph 1, Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3 as well as § 19 Paragraph 1 LMBG aK
Legal matter: Commercial administrative law
References : 2125-40-93
Issued on: May 24, 2004
( BGBl. I p. 1016 )
Entry into force on: May 28, 2004
Last change by: Art. 1 VO from May 18, 2020
( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1075 )
Effective date of the
last change:
May 29, 2020
(Art. 3 of May 18, 2020)
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

The Fruit Juice and Refreshment Drinks Ordinance (FrSaftErfrischGetrV) is a legal regulation in Germany for various fruit juice products and caffeinated soft drinks . It implements Council Directive 2001/112 / EC of December 20, 2001 on fruit juices and certain similar products for human consumption ( OJ EC 2002 No. L 10 p. 58) into German law.

Section 2 of the ordinance regulates ingredients and production requirements ( Section 2 ) as well as the labeling ( Section 3 ) of fruit juice, some similar products and fruit nectar. Section 3 also regulates definitions ( Section 4 ), special requirements for production and placing on the market ( Section 5 ) and the labeling of caffeinated soft drinks ( Section 6 ). Another section determines traffic bans ( Section 7 ) as well as criminal offenses and administrative offenses ( Section 8 ).

Since the 4th regulation on its amendment of May 18, 2020, it also regulates herbal and fruit teas for people up to toddler age. Under threat of punishment, it forbids from November 28, 2020, such drinks with added sugar, syrup, honey, malt, fruit juice, etc. put on the market ; thereafter, only previously produced remnants may be marketed.

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Individual evidence

  1. Section 8, Paragraph 2, Sentence 2 and Paragraph 4, Section 11, Paragraph 1 of this Ordinance in conjunction with Section 58 of the LFGB