Terrible vengeance

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Terrible Vengeance , also Terrible Vengeance and The Magician ( Russian Страшная месть , Straschnaja mest ), is a short story by the Russian writer Nikolai Gogol , which was probably written at the beginning of autumn 1831 and published in 1832. The story was recorded in the second part of the evenings in the hamlet near Dikanka .


At the beginning of the 17th century during the lifetime of Hetman Sahaidatschnyj : landowner Danilo Burulbasch lives with his wife Katarina and the one year old son Ivan a courtyard at the Dnepr shore. Katarina's father Pjetro, who stabbed his own wife, is a magician. When he lets the withered corpses of his fathers rise from their graves after each of his murders, his brown eyes turn green, his lips blue, his chin tips trembling, his nose arches, tusks grow out of his mouth, his back gets bumps and this Cossack suddenly becomes very old. If the magician meets someone in the dark, he'll be dead in the morning. Katarina's father hates his son-in-law. Both attack each other with swords. Then Pjetro changes his weapon - shoots and injures the enemy. Nevertheless, Danilo forgives. Pjetro also forgives for Katarina's sake and kisses the daughter, causing a shiver to run through her limbs. Katarina can hardly deal with the shock of her father's incestuous lust.

Danilo locks up his father-in-law and Katarina lets him go. Danilo is shot by Pjetro.

In Kiev , Katarina wants to raise her son Ivan to be her father's avenger. At night, Pjetro pushes himself into Katarina's dreams and wants to stab his grandson when the young widow is reluctant to incest. Katarina remains firm. The wizard carries out his threat. Katarina loses her mind after Ivan's death and wants to stab her father. Pjetro wrests the dagger from her and stabs his own daughter. As a punishment, he is judged by a knight.

In retrospect it turns out that Pyetro had a brother, who was also called Ivan, on his conscience. When the brothers stood before God's judgment seat, Ivan was allowed to determine the divine punishment of Pyetro. Ivan chose to exterminate his brother's offspring. This conclusion refers in a sense to the story of the murder of little Ivan.

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Individual evidence

  1. Russian. Terrible Vengeance - Interesting facts