Günter Aumann

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Günter Aumann (born May 4, 1952 in Augsburg ) is a German mathematician and author.

Aumann received his doctorate in 1979 at the Technical University of Munich (Dissertation: On the theory of the [k + 1] ridge ruled surfaces [k ruled ridge surfaces] and the torsal [k + 1] ruled surfaces [k ruled surfaces] ) and completed his habilitation in 1985 at the Technical University of Munich (Theory of Generalized Geometric Optics). In 1988 he became a private lecturer and in 1989 professor at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology .

He deals with geometry and computer geometry and wrote popular science books about them (also about Archimedes ). In addition to modern developments, he was particularly interested in the ancient roots of geometry. This relationship to antiquity was deepened through decades of intensified occupation with Roman coins. As a result, Aumann published a monograph on the Roman emperor Antoninus Pius in spring 2019, which was also received in the press .


  • Archimedes. Mathematics in turbulent times. Scientific Book Society, Darmstadt 2013, ISBN 3-534-26247-6 .
  • Euclid's legacy. A journey through geometry and its history. Scientific Book Society, Darmstadt 2006 (3rd edition 2009).
  • Geometry! With colors instead of formulas on the trail of Euclid. Primus-Verlag, Darmstadt 2011, ISBN 978-3-89678-711-8 .
  • Circular geometry. An elementary introduction. Springer, Berlin 2015, ISBN 3-662-45305-3 .
  • with Klaus Spitzmüller: Computerorientierte Geometrie (= series computer science. Vol. 89). Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Mannheim 1993, ISBN 3-411-16021-7 .
  • Antoninus Pius. The forgotten emperor. Reichert, Wiesbaden 2019, ISBN 978-3-95490-393-1 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Date of birth Kürschner's Scholars Calendar 2009
  2. https://www.sueddeutsche.de/leben/historie-wie-die-sonne-wie-das-leben-1.4499523