GB Ed 2/2

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GB Ed 2/2
Numbering: GB 1-6
SBB 8061-8066
Number: 6th
Manufacturer: SLM
Year of construction (s): 1874, 1883
Retirement: 1910-1915
Axis formula : B.
Gauge : 1435 mm ( standard gauge )
Length over buffers: 8612 mm
Fixed wheelbase: 2600 mm
Total wheelbase: 2600 mm
Empty mass: 22 t
Service mass: 29 t
Friction mass: 29 t
Wheel set mass : 15 t
Top speed: 50 km / h
Indexed performance : 300 hp
Driving wheel diameter: 1330 mm
Number of cylinders: 2
Cylinder diameter: 360 mm
Piston stroke: 600 mm
Boiler overpressure: 10 atm.
Number of heating pipes: 133
118 1
Heating pipe length: 3500 mm
Grate area: 1.1 m²
0.9 m² 1
Radiant heating surface: 6.1 m²
5.3 m² 1
Evaporation heating surface: 80.5 m²
70.3 m² 1
Water supply: 3 m³
Fuel supply: 1 t
Brake: Spindle handbrake

The Gotthard Railway Company ( GB ) purchased a total of six type Ed 2/2 tank locomotives in 1874 and 1883 . These were obtained from SLM in Winterthur at a price of 51,000 Swiss Francs.


The boiler dimensions of the two machines delivered in 1883 differ from the four machines delivered first ( marked with 1 in the table ).

The center of the boiler was 1950 mm above the top of the rail. The boiler of the first four machines did not have a steam dome , but a collecting pipe. On the manhole cover was a Ramsbottom - safety valve mounted. The boiler of the two later machines was smaller and had a steam dome. Furthermore, thanks to their external inlet pipes, these machines could also be used as a stationary steam generation system. The Ramsbottom safety valve was also on the steam dome and not on the manhole cover.

The inner frame of the locomotive also formed a two-part water box. The rear axle was arranged in front of the fire box so that the machines overhanged to the rear. The external control was one of the Walschaert type with lever reversal and overhead control shaft. The piston rods were passed forward. The suspension consisted of two springs over the first axle, which stood lengthways over the frame. The rear axle was supported by two transverse springs standing upright above the axle. The sand container was designed as a sand dome on the boiler above the first axis.

The coal supply was carried in boxes at the rear of the driver's cab. This was open on the sides and inwards.

The brake was initially a two-block spindle handbrake, which was supplemented from 1893 by a four-block Westinghouse brake . The air tanks for the train's regulating brake were located above the boiler.

Steam heating was installed from 1887, and a Klose speedometer was installed around 1893.

The pulling force is given as 3000 kg and the line with 300 HP.

GB number SBB number Factory
Construction year Manufacturer Discarded
1 8061 52 1874 SLM 1910
2 8062 53 1874 SLM 1912
3 8063 54 1874 SLM 1910
4th 8064 55 1874 SLM 1912
5 8065 330 1883 SLM 1914
6th 8066 331 1883 SLM 1915


The first four machines were purchased for the valley railway in Ticino. There they should be usable for mixed trains.

Literature / sources

  • Alfred Moser: The steam operation of the Swiss railways 1847-1966 . 4th updated edition, Birkhäuser, Stuttgart 1967. S. 86ff