Mariano Piccoli

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Mariano Piccoli (2001)

Mariano Piccoli (born September 11, 1970 in Trento ) is a former Italian cyclist and national champion in cycling.

In 1990 Piccoli won the points race at the national track championships . In August 1992 he became a professional driver in the Mercantone-Uno team . The 1.72 m tall climber celebrated his greatest successes in his home country at the Giro d'Italia . Here he was able to win the green jersey twice in a row ( 1995 , 1996 ) as the winner of the mountain classification . In addition, he won the points rating of the Giros in 1998 . In total, Piccoli was able to celebrate six daily victories in his career in the three big tours , three of them each at the Giro d'Italia and three at the Vuelta a España . He celebrated his best placement in the overall classification of the three major tours in 1995 with 20th place at the Giro d'Italia.







Grand Tour placements

Tour de France

Giro d'Italia

Vuelta a España


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Pascal Sergent, Guy Crasset, Herve Dauchy: Wereld Encyclopedie Wielrennen . Eecloonaar, Eeklo 2001, p. 1468 (Flemish).