GM2 activator

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GM2 activator
GM2 activator
Belt model according to PDB  1G13
Properties of human protein
Mass / length primary structure 162 amino acids
Precursor (170 aa)
Isoforms Short (160 aa)
Gene name GM2A
External IDs
Parent taxon Vertebrates

The GM2 activator is a protein that occurs in vertebrates and is necessary for the breakdown of gangliosides , special lipids in the body. This breakdown takes place in lysosomes within the cells , where the GM2 activator can be found. Gm2a allows the extraction of individual GM2 molecules from the membrane , binds GM2 and presents it to the GM2-degrading enzyme hexosaminidase A . In humans, mutations in GM2a - gene , the cause of GM2 Gangliosidosis type AB .

GM2 ganglioside

GM2 and other lipids are not soluble in water. In order to be able to process them with the (water-soluble) enzymes, they or their hydrophobic parts must be embedded in a hydrophobic bubble that is part of the GM2 activator. The GM2 activator recognizes the neuraminic acid residues in gangliosides, so that specifically only these lipids are absorbed from the membrane.

Due to its properties, the GM2 activator could generally function as a transport protein for glycosphingolipids. An increased expression of the GM2 activator, caused by oxidized LDL, could be the cause of local accumulation of glycosphingolipids in arteriosclerosis.


Individual evidence

  1. Orthologist at OrthoDB
  2. UniProt P17900
  3. ^ Y. Hama, YT Li, SC Li: Interaction of GM2 activator protein with glycosphingolipids. In: The Journal of biological chemistry . Volume 272, Number 5, January 1997, pp. 2828-2833. PMID 9006924 .
  4. DJ Mahuran: The GM2 activator protein, its roles as a co-factor in GM2 hydrolysis and as a general glycolipid transport protein. In: Biochimica et biophysica acta . Volume 1393, Number 1, July 1998, pp. 1-18. PMID 9714704 . (Review).
  5. H. Yanai, H. Yoshida et al. a .: The possible contribution of a general glycosphingolipid transporter, GM2 activator protein, to atherosclerosis. In: Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. Volume 13, Number 6, December 2006, pp. 281-285, ISSN  1340-3478 . PMID 17192692 . (Review).