GV Suitia Schwyz

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Canton : Schwyz
University : Cantonal school college Schwyz
Founding: 1843
Umbrella organization: Schw. StV.
Colours: red, white, green
Connection motto: per aspera ad astra
Scale length: not striking
Regular place: Restaurant Pöstli
Website: http://www.suitia.ch

The GV (gymnasium connection) Suitia is a colored student connection from Schwyz in the Swiss student association (Schw.-StV) . It was founded in 1843, making it one of the oldest connections in Switzerland.


Founding and teething problems

On April 16, 1843, Suitia was founded at the Schwyz College. But right from the start, the Schwyz section was overwhelmed with problems. The Jesuit school administration was afraid of the connection. During the wars between Catholic and Reformed cantons, they did not want to help their opponents by supporting a so-called political association. Nevertheless, the Schwyz section remained in place, despite brief interruptions. The school management only dealt with the entire club through the club president and demanded silence. As a result, the members met in secret and could not appear publicly as the school's association.

Back and forth

After the Catholic cantons were defeated in the Sonderbund War and were subsequently occupied by federal troops, the Jesuits fled. Under the new leadership, the section was allowed to show itself publicly and flourished. But this unity was destroyed again in 1871 because the Schwyz section was no longer tolerated. However, it continued to exist through private execution.

When the rectorate wanted to ban the section in 1873, the members turned to the bishops of Chur, St.Gallen and Basel. The owners of the college allowed the Schwyz section to continue to exist. A constant up and down was the order of the day in the coming years, depending on the respective rector. Part were Kommerse carried out with active and honorary, partly the occurrence was even banned in the College. The first flag consecration was carried out in 1876 on the occasion of the general assembly of the sister deputy in Schwyz and two years later they gave themselves the name Suitia . With AKV Rauracia as flag godmother, Suitia consecrated the second flag in 1902. The Academic Commentary Association from Basel also took over the sponsorship of Suitia.

Prime years

From 1919 the good years of Suitia set in. The Alt-Suitia was founded on August 1, 1926 to support the activities of Suitia. The third flag consecration took place on July 17, 1929. In addition to many festivals and commers, Scientia events were also held. In the foreground were above all the church, "student life" and Swiss democracy. In the 1950s, the Suitia consisted of up to 40 members. The festive highlights in the fifties were the 100th anniversary of Suitia in 1943, the fourth consecration of the flag in 1949 and the 100th anniversary of the "Maria Hilf" college in 1956.

Hard seventies

The decision made by Aktivitas in 1972 to allow female students to take part in suit life was reversed in 1984. During these 12 years, two female students joined Suitia, but they were to remain the only female members of Suitia. In the mid-1970s, Aktivitas only had three members. This crisis was overcome thanks to clever advertising. In 1976/77 18 new members were accepted.

From Maria Hilf to the KKS

In 1972 the college "Maria Hilf" was nationalized and became the canton's own "Kantonsschule Kollegium Schwyz". In 1993, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of GV Suitia, the flag was renewed, which is still in service. When the financing of the boarding school through the canton ran out, Suitia had to rely on the external students. The committee of the mid-1990s nevertheless managed to take in enough external students, and so the change from "Maria Hilf" to the KKS was well survived. In the summer semester of 2003 Suitia celebrated its 160th anniversary and is still in full bloom today with around 20 people active.

Important events at Suitia

  • The midnight summer

Every year at the General Assembly on Saturday, a number of members of all connections can be found at Suitia to attend midnight summer which, as the name suggests, takes place at midnight.

  • The Chlauskommers

Every winter, Chlaus comes to a Suitiakommers to report on the good and bad deeds of Aktivitas.

  • Poldi goes on a journey

On this occasion it gets cultural. Suitia visits every restaurant in Schwyz in order not only to perish in the local pub.

See also

Web links