Gabriele Rittig (lawyer)

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Gabriele Rittig 2007

Gabriele Rittig (born May 5, 1955 ) is a lawyer from Frankfurt am Main . It advises the satirical magazine Titanic legally and is therefore in October 1986 in the Contacts listed.

Since the satire moves in a legally unclear area in many cases , the ongoing advice of the authors with regard to permissible and impermissible formulations is of greater importance than would be the case with non-satirical magazines . Since such advice is often not possible with a precise forecast, Rittig also had to represent Titanic in libel and other litigation.

Action "Show yourself!"

Gabriele Rittig acts as a fiduciary attorney for the “Show you!” Campaign launched in the late 1990s, which involves mass self-disclosures by cannabis users. It keeps the voluntary disclosures until a number of at least 100,000 voluntary disclosures has been found. These reports are then to be forwarded to the public prosecutor's office at the same time, on the one hand to bring the judicial apparatus to a standstill due to the high number and on the other hand to draw the public's attention to the fact that there is a high number of cannabis users in Germany.

The campaign is critically assessed by, among other things with the following reason: “The risks are considerable. It would be possible that the 'Show yourself!' Cases according to § 31 a would be discontinued without penalty, but the data would then be reported to the driving license offices as administrative assistance. No legal remedies can be lodged against a procedure to determine fitness to drive. The driver's license holder has to prove at his own expense that he lives without any cannabis consumption or hand in the driver's license. ... If you voluntarily come out as a 'regular' consumer, according to the current legal situation, your driver's license can be withdrawn for that alone. "


  • The price of satire . In: Nils Folckers, Wilhelm Solms (ed.): What does it cost to have fun? How the state and citizens fight satire. Schüren Presse, Marburg 1997, ISBN 3-89472-155-3 , pp. 62-83.
  • Notes on satire and justice. In: Dankert, Zechlin (ed.): Literature before the judge. Baden-Baden 1988.
  • News of satire and justice. In: The new Frankfurt School. Goettingen 1987.

Individual evidence


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