Gaetano Lazzara

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Gaetano Lazzara (active 1700–1731 in Palermo ) was an Italian architect of the late Baroque in Palermo.


Little is known about Lazzara's biography. In 1703 he published a city map of Palermo. He was probably a student of Paolo and Giacomo Amato , with whom he worked several times, such as in 1721 when building the nave of the Church of Immacolata Concezione al Capo . Between 1725 and 1726 Lazzarra directed the construction of the Oratorio dell'Immacolatella .

For the church of Santissimo Salvatore , badly damaged by the earthquake of 1726 , Lazzarra and the architect Giacomo Amato provided the design for a new dome on December 20, 1726, which was built by the master mason Simone Marvuglia (the father of the famous architect Giuseppe Venanzio Marvuglia ).

The dome of the San Carlo Borromeo dei Milanesi, also destroyed by the earthquake, was renewed in 1726 according to a design by Lazzara. At about the same time he was in charge of the renovation work on the Palazzo Speziale Raffadali (Casa Umiltà).

In 1730 he appeared in connection with the construction of a bridge over the river San Leonardo near Termini Imerese .


Web links (map of Palermo)