Gaius Atilius Barbarus

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Gaius Atilius Barbarus was a Roman politician living in the 1st century AD .

A military diploma dated July 30, 71, shows that Barbarus was a suffect consul with Lucius Flavius ​​Fimbria in 71 ; the two held this office for two months, from July 1st to August 31st.

See also



  1. According to Werner Eck , Barbarus is possibly an ancestor of Gaius Atilius Serranus , who was 120 suffect consul.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Military diploma of the year 71 ( ZPE-143-221 ).
  2. Werner Eck : A civil rights constitution of Vespasian from the year 71 AD and the raising of British auxiliary units In: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik , Volume 143 (2003), pp. 220–228, here pp. 222–223 ( online ) .