Gaius Bellicus Natalis Tebanianus

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Gaius Bellicus Natalis Publius Gavidius Tebanianus was a politician during the Roman Empire . His father was Gaius Bellicus Natalis , a suffect consul in AD 68.

By military diplomas that are dated 8 June 87, there is evidence that Gaius Bellicus Natalis Tebanianus in 87 along with Gaius Ducenius Proculus was Suffektkonsul. He belonged to the college of the Sodales Flaviales , which was dedicated to the ruling cult of the deified emperors of the Flavian house, possibly also the Quindecimviri sacris faciundis . His sarcophagus was found in Pisa ( CIL 11, 1430 ).



  1. ^ AE 2012, 1959
  2. Military diplomas of the year 87 ( SCI-2012-54 , ZPE-170-201 , ZPE-170-206 ).
  3. Werner Eck , Peter Weiß : A constitution for the troops of Iudaea from the year 87 In: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik , Volume 170 (2009), pp. 201-206, here p. 203 ( online ).
  4. Werner Eck, Andreas Pangerl: A diploma for the troops of Judaea from the year 87 and the question of the uniformity of Roman military administration In: Scripta Classica Israelica , Volume XXXI (2012), pp. 53-64, here pp. 59, 62 ( Online ).
  5. In the sarcophagus inscription CIL 11, 1430 it is singularly referred to as XVvir Flavialium . Either the Sodales Flaviales consisted of fifteen members at that time, so that they could be misunderstood as XVviri (according to Manfred Clauss, Kaiser und Gott , Saur, Munich 2001, p. 390), or the stonemason who made the inscription has the two priesthoods mixed up due to ignorance (Jörg Rüpke et al., Fasti Sacerdotum , Steiner, Stuttgart 2005, p. 822).