Gaius Considius Paetus

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Gaius Considius Paetus was a in the 1st century BC. Living member of the Roman plebeian family of Considier and a son of Gaius Considius Longus .

Like his father, he was on the latter's side in the civil war between Gaius Iulius Caesar and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus . While his father, after Caesar's decisive victory in the Battle of Thapsus (February 7, 46 BC according to the Julian calendar = April 6, 46 BC, pre-Julian), fleeing from Thysdra (today's El Djem in Tunisia ) was slain by the Gaetulers accompanying him , Gaius Considius Paetus was captured by Caesar after conquering the coastal city of Hadrumetum (today Sousse ), but the victor exercised leniency against him. It seems questionable whether he was 46 BC. Also officiated as mint master .



  1. De bello Africo 86, 3 and 93, 1f. (reported in the Corpus Caesarianum , but not from Caesar).
  2. De bello Africo 89, 2.
  3. ^ Karl-Ludwig Elvers : Considius [I 5]. In: The New Pauly (DNP). Volume 3, Metzler, Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 3-476-01473-8 , column 131.