Gaius Fabius Pictor (painter)

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Gaius Fabius Pictor was a member of the Roman noble family of Fabier and lived in the 4th century BC. Chr.


Gaius Fabius Pictor was probably the father of the consul of the same name from 269 BC. And of Numerius Fabius Pictor , who died in 266 BC. Became consul .

Gaius Junius Bubulcus Brutus had promised the goddess Salus that a temple would be built during the second war against the Samnites and had it built and consecrated on the Quirinal after the fighting . Fabius decorated this temple in 304 BC. With frescoes and wrote his name underneath; as a result he is said to have been the first of his family to be nicknamed Pictor ("painter"). Since his name does not appear in the fasts, one must conclude that his penchant for painting was not appreciated by his peers. It was probably only much later that people became aware of him through his signature on the wall paintings, which were destroyed by fire during the reign of Emperor Claudius .



  1. Cicero , Tusculanae disputationes 1, 4 ; Valerius Maximus 8, 14, 6 ; Pliny , Natural History 35, 19 .