Gaius Genucius Clepsina

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Gaius Genucius Clepsina was a Roman politician in the first half of the 3rd century BC. Chr.

According to the consular fasts, father and grandfather were named Lucius , which is why the consul of 303 BC. BC, Lucius Genucius Aventinensis , is regarded as his father.

Gaius Genucius Clepsina himself was born in 276 BC. Elected consul together with Quintus Fabius Maximus Gurges . In 270 BC BC he held next to his colleague Gnaeus Cornelius Blasio again the consulate and, according to the ancient writers Orosius and Dionysius of Halicarnassus , was involved in the operation against the Legio Campana that year. It concerned the renegade crew of Rhegium , the fight against which his brother Lucius Genucius Clepsina had begun as consul the previous year . According to the Fasti Capitolini , however, his counterpart ultimately celebrated the triumph over Rhegium.

In an inscription located in a sanctuary in Caere , a certain Gaius Genucius Clepsina is mentioned, who is called the Prefect there. Most likely it is the same person.

Nothing more is known about Gaius Genucius Clepsina; later Genucii no longer had cognomen .



  1. Orosius , historae adversus paganos 4,2,2.
  2. Orosius, historae adversus paganos 4,3,5; Dionysius of Halicarnassus 20,16,1.
  3. Amrio Toreli: The Roman Period. In: Nancy Thomson de Grummond , Lisa C. Pieraccini (eds.): Caere. University of Texas Press, Austin TX 2016, ISBN 978-1-4773-0843-1 , pp. 263-270, here p. 265.