Gaius Junius Tiberianus

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Gaius Junius Tiberianus was a Roman senator and city ​​prefect .

In 281 Tiberianus became full consul with Emperor Probus . Tiberianus held a second consulate in 291, and in the same year he held the city prefecture.

Tiberianus is usually distinguished from the city prefect of the same name of the year 303/304. This office is instead assigned to his son Junius Tiberianus , who served as proconsul of Asia sometime between 293 and 305 . At times Gaius Junius Tiberianus is also identified with the poet Tiberianus .



  1. CIL 10,3728 .
  2. Michel Christol , Essai sur l'evolution des carrières sénatoriales dans la seconde moitié du III e s. ap. J.-C. In contrast, Paris 1986 assumes that the younger Tiberian can be identified with the consul of the year 281. He officiated as proconsul of Asia at 295. The consulate of the year 291 and the city prefecture of that year are indeed to be assigned to his father, who is documented by CIL III 4558 as a military tribune of the Legio X Gemina 249.