Gaius Passenius Paulus

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Gaius Passenius Paulus was a member of the Roman knighthood ( Eques ) living in the 2nd century AD .

A military diploma dated October 11, 146 proves that Paulus 146 was commander of the Cohors I Germanorum , which at that time was stationed in the province of Moesia inferior .

Paul came from Asisium, today's Assisi . There was probably a family relationship with Gaius Passennus Paullus propertius Blaesus , known from an inscription ; Passenius Paulus may have been the son or grandson of propertius Blaesus.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Military diploma of the year 146 ( ZPE-195-230a ).
  2. a b Werner Eck , Paul Holder , Andreas Pangerl, Peter Weiß : A surprising phenomenon: New witnesses in two diplomas for the troops of Moesia inferior from October 11, 146 In: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik , Volume 195 (2015), p 222-230, here pp. 224, 226 ( online ).
  3. CIL 11, 5405