Gaius Petronius Pontius Nigrinus

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Gaius Petronius Pontius Nigrinus , also Gaius Pontius Petronius Nigrinus or just Gaius Petronius Pontius or Gaius Pontius Nigrinus / Niger , was a senator of the Roman Empire and full consul of the year 37 AD.

Gaius Petronius Pontius Nigrinus was the brother of Pontius Labeo (or Labio). As Gaius Pontius Nigrinus he was probably the biological son of Lucius Pontius Ni (grinus), who was praetor aerarii in the year 20 .

Gaius Pontius Nigrinus was perhaps adopted by Gaius Petronius ( suffect consul 25 AD) or by Publius Petronius (suffect consul in 19) into the gens Petronia , the family of the Petronians , and thus received his four-part name.

He is probably the father of Publius Petronius Niger , a suffect consul from AD 62.

In 37 Gaius Petronius Pontius Nigrinus was eponymous (ordinary) consul together with Gnaeus Acerronius Proculus until the end of June of that year.

During his consulate on March 16, 37, the Emperor Tiberius died . The Senate offered his successor, Caligula , to take over the consulate immediately, but the latter refused and only took over the office after the usual six months for consules ordinarii .



  1. The inscription CIL 6, 9338 names the common dispenser of the two Pontius brothers. See Rudolf Hanslick, Pontius 33. , in RE 33 (1936), col. 38f.
  2. CIL 14,4535 ; CIL 10, 6774 ; see. Suetonius , Tiberius 73; Cassius Dio 58, 27.1.