Gaius Poppaeus Sabinus

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Gaius Poppaeus Sabinus († 35 AD) was a Roman politician and the maternal grandfather of Poppaea Sabina .

He was the father of Poppaea Sabina the Elder , who gave her daughter her grandfather's name after her husband Titus Ollius was undoed by the fall of Seianus .

In the year 9 he was consul with Quintus Sulpicius Camerinus . Afterwards he was legatus Augusti pro praetore (governor) of Moesia until his death . Tiberius gave him the provinces of Achaea and Macedonia in 15 . For a victory over the rebellious Thracians , he was granted the triumph insignia in 26 .

When, in the year 31, a man in the Cyclades claimed to be Drusus , the son of Germanicus , who had already been imprisoned by Tiberius the year before for participating in an alleged conspiracy against the emperor, Poppaeus rushed over and found that the false Drusus was a son of Marcus Silanus, possibly the suffect consul of the year 15.

According to Tacitus , Poppaeus, who performed his office well but had no outstanding skills, owed his career to friendship with two emperors.


  1. Tacitus , Annalen 4, 46. In the following sections Tacitus describes in detail the Thracian uprising and its suppression.
  2. Tacitus, Annals 5, 10.
  3. Tacitus, Annals 6, 39.