Gaius Sextius Calvinus (consul 124 BC)

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Foundation of Aix by Sextius Calvinus (Joseph Villevieille, 1900).

Gaius Sextius Calvinus was a Roman politician of the late 2nd century BC. From the plebeian gens Sextia .

As consul of the year 124 BC Chr. And proconsul he led in the following two years as the successor of Marcus Fulvius Flaccus (consul 125 v. Chr.) War in southern France, the later province Narbonensis . Opponents were the Ligurians , Vocontier and Salluvier . After the victory over the Salluvians in 122 BC. BC Sextius founded the fortress named after him, Aquae Sextiae, which later became Aix-en-Provence, near her oppidum Entremont, which he destroyed . After his return to Rome, Sextius Calvinus received a triumphal procession .

His son was probably the speaker of the same name mentioned by Marcus Tullius Cicero at the beginning of the 1st century BC. Chr.



  1. Titus Livius , periocha 61 . Velleius Paterculus 1, 15, 4 .