Gaius Turranius Gracilis

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The Imperial Province of Egypt

Gaius Turranius Gracilis (* in the 1st century BC; † in the 1st century) was a Roman knight from Gades (today Cádiz ) . He practiced under Emperor Augustus in the years from 7 to 4 BC. The prefecture as governor in the imperial province of Egypt .

In the year 14, at the beginning of the Principate of Tiberius , he was responsible for the grain supply of Rome and accordingly held the office of praefectus annonae , which he had held since 8 AD. A later exercised power of attorney is documented under the rule of Caligula .

Even at the advanced age of over 90, in 48 he was still responsible for the grain supply, officiated as praefectus rei frumentariae and confirmed to Emperor Claudius that his wife Valeria Messalina had married her lover Gaius Silius .

As far as the story of the flight into Egypt of the family of Jesus of Nazareth reported in the Gospel according to Matthew is to be interpreted as a datable historical event, Gaius Turranius (or his successor Publius Octavius) might have been Egyptian prefect at this time.



  1. Pliny , Naturalis historia 3, 3.
  2. ^ Tacitus , Annalen , 1, 7, 2
  3. Seneca , Dialogi 10, 20, 3.
  4. Tacitus, Annalen , 11, 31, 1
predecessor Office successor
NN Prefect of the Roman Province of Egypt
7 BC Chr. – 4 BC Chr.
Publius Octavius