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Galaton ( ancient Greek Γαλάτων ) was a Greek painter.

He is only known from a mention in Claudius Aelianus . Aelian names him as the painter of a picture in which a vomiting Homer is shown and other poets shown in the picture eat the vomit. Since the mention of the picture immediately follows the naming of a temple of Homer erected by Ptolemy Philopatians in Alexandria , it was assumed that the picture was part of the temple furnishings; Galaton was thus at work at the time of Ptolemy. This assignment was rejected as speculative, since the picture may also have been named because of the contrast to the aforementioned splendor of the temple. The period of action of the Galaton therefore remains unclear.



  1. Claudius Aelianus, Varia historia 13, 21.
  2. Carl Robert : Galaton 1. In: Pauly Realencyclopädie of classical archeology (RE). Volume VII, 1, Stuttgart 1910, column 559 ( digitized version ).
  3. Otto Rossbach : Galaton 2. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen antiquity science (RE). Volume VII, 1, Stuttgart 1910, column 559 ( digitized version ).