Gangwa kiln

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The Gangwa kiln or Gangwayao kiln (see below) ( Chinese  缸 瓦窑 , Pinyin Gāngwǎ yáo , English Gangwa kiln ), also Chifeng kiln ( 赤峰 窑 , Chìfēng yáo , English Chifeng kiln ) was a so-called “white porcelain” ( baici ) well-known state ceramic kiln in northern China from the time of the Liao dynasty ( Kitan ) to the Yuan dynasty ( Mongols ). It is located in the area of Chifeng in Inner Mongolia , People's Republic of China and is named after the small town Gangwayao about 60 km southeast of Chifeng. The site was explored in three excavations from 1995 to 1998.

The finds from the site provide important information about society, culture, economy and ceramic production of the Kitan people (Chinese: Qidan ).

The art of pottery in Chifeng dates back to prehistoric times.

The site of the Gangwa Kiln has been on the List of Monuments of the People's Republic of China (4-54) since 1996 .

Individual objects

  • Gangwa yao baiyou tihua tian heicai meiping ( 缸 瓦窑 白釉 剔 花 填 黑 彩 梅 瓶 )


  • Peng Shanguo 彭善国 & Guo Zhizhong 郭 治 中 (吉林 大学 考古学 系, 内蒙古 文物 考古 研究所): “Chifeng Gangwa yao de zhici gongju, ciju ji xiangguan wenti” 赤峰 缸 瓦窑 的 制瓷 工具 、 窑具 及 相关 问题, bycatch wenwu北方 文物 2000.4
  • Yan Wanzhang & Guo Wenxuan: “Song-Liao-Jin de taoci”, in: Zhongguo taoci shi , ed. by Zhongguo Guisuanyan Xuehui, 227-93. Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe 1982

See also

Web links

Individual evidence


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