Pretty pregnant

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Television series
German title Pretty pregnant
Original title Notes from the Underbelly
Country of production United States
original language English
Year (s) 2007-2008
length 25 minutes
Episodes 24 in 2 seasons
genre Sitcom
idea Risa Green
Stacy Grape
production Bari hall
music Blake Neely
First broadcast April 12, 2008 (USA) on ABC
first broadcast
November 6, 2008 on ATV

Pretty pregnant (original title: Notes from the Underbelly ) is an American sitcom that was broadcast on ABC on April 12, 2007 for the first time.


Pretty Pregnant is about the teacher Lauren Stone, played by Jennifer Westfeldt , and the landscape planner Andrew Stone, played by Peter Cambor . To be perfectly happy, the only thing missing is a child of their own. The series uses episodes to show the joys and sorrows of pregnancy in a humorous way. Also included are the easy-going, best friend Denny (Michael Weaver) of the husband, who suddenly feels set back, and Lauren's best friend Cooper ( Rachael Harris ), who has no understanding for the exchange with the free life . In contrast, the friends of the couple Julie ( Melanie Deanne Moore ) and Eric (Sunkrish Bala) are at your side with sometimes annoying advice and action.


There were a total of 24 episodes of about 25 minutes in two seasons. The sitcom celebrated its German premiere on November 6, 2008 on the Austrian broadcaster ATV .

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