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Gaoping is ambiguous. It denotes:

  • the district-free city of Gaoping (高平 市) in the administrative area of ​​the district-free city of Jincheng in the Chinese province of Shanxi, see Gaoping (Jincheng) ;
  • the Gaoping (高坪 区) district of the city of Nanchong in the Chinese province of Sichuan, see Gaoping (Nanchong) ;
  • the Gaoping (高 平镇) community in Jingchuan County, Gansu Province, China, see Gaoping (Jingchuan) ;
  • the large community of Gaoping (高 平镇) in Longhui County in the Chinese province of Hunan, see Gaoping (Longhui) ;
  • the large community of Gaoping (高 坪镇) in Pengxi County in the Chinese province of Sichuan, see Gaoping (Pengxi) ;
  • the Gaoping (高屏溪) River in Taiwan , see Gaoping (River) .