Street sweeper

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Street sweeper is a historic profession. Likewise Bach Feger were like the Skinners as objectionable as they in addition to the filth sometimes the carcasses of dogs , cats had to continue creating or other small livestock. Her handling of feces was also “disreputable” in the physical sense . (Called Nuremberg "Pappenheimer") Abtritt- and Heimlichkeitsfeger, Kloakenentleerer well executioners and skinners had the privies empty. All of these functions were viewed as dishonest professions that were located on the fringes of class society.

German popular belief knew ghostly beings who haunted the dirt and dust of the house. Horrible news that sewer cleaners had had an accident and choked on the putrid fumes or carelessly slipped into the pit and drowned in the dirt, made the rounds.

In some places the poor, convicts, the infirm and drifters were also obliged to remove the flood of waste and excrement from ditches and cesspools . The French In 1780, scholar Lavoisier reported full of admiration that Bern was the cleanest city he had ever seen. Prisoners chained to drawbars "pull large four-wheeled wagons through the streets every morning ...; female convicts are tied to the wagons with longer and lighter chains ... partly to sweep the streets, partly to load the rubbish."


  • Rudi Palla: The lexicon of the lost professions . Eichborn, Frankfurt am Main 1994, ISBN 3-8289-4152-4 .