Gaston zinc

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Gaston Zink ( 1921 - October 16, 1999 ) was a French Romance scholar and linguist.

life and work

Zink completed his habilitation in 1981 at the University of Paris IV with the two theses Morphosyntaxe du pronom personnel (non réflechi) en moyen français (XIVe-XVe siècles) (Geneva 1997) and (ed.) "Cleradius et Meliadice". Roman français du XVème siècle (Geneva 1984). He was a professor at the Sorbonne.

Other works

  • Phonétique historique du français. Manuel pratique , Paris 1986, most recently 2006
  • L'Ancien français. XIe-XIIIe siècle , Paris 1987, 6th edition 2007 (Que sais-je? 1056)
  • Morphologie du français médiéval , Paris 1989, 4th edition 1997
  • Le Moyen français. XIVe et XVe siècles , Paris 1990 (Que sais-je? 1086)


  • Le Monde October 21, 1999
  • Olivier Soutet, Claude Thomasset, Guy Serbat: Gaston Zink (1921–1999). In memoriam. In: L'Information grammaticale 85, 2000

Web links