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The Gatada is a sub-genre of comedy in Catalan literature .

The name is derived from the theater group La Gata , which from 1864 to 1866 completed two Catalan performances a week at the Teatre Odeon in Barcelona . In a narrower sense, a gatada is a parody of a grandiose, heroic or military stance with a preference for characters from other theater plays that are present to the audience. The first gatada to be publicly performed was Frederic Soler's L'esquella de la torratxa (1864), the parody of a play by Palou i Coll . Some gatades by Soler (pseudonym Serafí Pitarra) are among the best-known pieces of the comic Catalan theater and formulate such strong attacks against the bourgeois ideology that other gatades turned against Soler, which Soler answered with new gatades .


  • Xavier Fàbregas: Frederic Soler i el teatre del seu temps . In: Història de la literatura catalana . Volume 7, Barcelona 1986, pp. 291-363.
  • Frederic Soler and Xavier Fàbregas (eds.): Gatades . Laia, Barcelona 1980, ISBN 84-7222-813-4 .