District Chamber of Commerce Sudetenland

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The Gauwirtschaftskammer Sudetenland was from 1942 to 1945 the Gauwirtschaftskammer for the Sudetenland with its seat in Reichenberg .

As a result of the Munich Agreement , Czechoslovakia was broken up in 1938. The predominantly German-speaking areas, the Sudetenland, became part of the German Empire, the predominantly Czech-speaking areas formed the rest of Czechoslovakia. The chambers of commerce in Reichenberg , Eger and Troppau came to Germany and were renamed chambers of industry and commerce . In the years that followed, they shared the history of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce: conformity and replacement of the self-administration of the economy by the “ leader principle ”. In 1939 the Sudetenland Chamber of Commerce was formed as a joint superordinate organization of the three chambers.

In 1942 this became the Sudetenland Gauwirtschaftskammer and the three chambers as well as the craft chambers of the area were fully integrated into it. The legal basis was the Gau Chamber of Commerce Construction Ordinance (GWKAV) of May 30, 1942. The previous chambers in Eger and Troppau were continued as branches. On January 1, 1943, Anton Kiesewetter was appointed the first (and only) President of the Sudetenland Chamber of Commerce. His deputy was Ernst Peschka , previously President of the Reichenberg Chamber of Crafts.

With the end of the Second World War , the activity of the Gau Wirtschaftskammer Sudetenland ended. The expulsion of the Germans from Czechoslovakia at the beginning of 1945 meant that the staff and most of the member companies of the Sudeten German Chamber were lost. Kiesewetter himself was taken prisoner in the Czech Republic. After the end of the war, the chambers of commerce in Czechoslovakia were rebuilt as they were in 1938 with Czech staff.

The files of the Sudetenland Gauwirtschaftskammer are in the Federal Archives .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ordinance on the introduction of the organization of the commercial economy in the Sudeten German areas of October 29, 1938; Ordinance sheet on the Sudeten German territories 1938, S-147-148
  2. Third ordinance for the implementation of the ordinance on the simplification and standardization of the organization of the commercial economy (Gauwirtschaftskammeraufbauverordnung, GWKAV), quoted from: Arno Buschmann: National Socialist World View and Legislation: 1933-1945, Volume 2, ISBN 3211834079 , pages 487-489 online
  3. First ordinance for the implementation of the ordinance on the simplification and standardization of the organization of the commercial economy (Gau Wirtschaftskammerverordnung) of April 20, 1942, RGBl. I, page 189
  4. Second ordinance for the implementation of the ordinance on the simplification and standardization of the organization of the commercial economy of April 20, 1942, RGBl. I, page 190
  5. Third ordinance for the implementation of the ordinance on the simplification and standardization of the organization of the commercial economy (Gauwirtschaftskammerbildungverordnung, GWKAV) of May 30, 1942, RGBl. I, pages 371-374
  6. Tobias Weger : “Volkstumskampf” without end? Sudeten German Organizations, 1945–1955 (= The Germans and Eastern Europe. Volume 2). 2008, ISBN 978-3-631-57104-0 , p. 313, online
  7. ^ Files of the Sudetenland Gauwirtschaftskammer  in the German Digital Library